temporary restraining orders

Temporary Restraining Orders

Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO) are an injunction issued by a court of law that orders a person to refrain from doing certain activities. It is most commonly used to protect an individual from harm or harassment from another. However, it can be issued against anyone who may threaten the safety or well-being of the protected individual. In Connecticut law, TROs are governed by Connecticut General Statutes Chapter 815a, which outlines the procedures and requirements for obtaining such orders.

Grounds for Obtaining Temporary Restraining Orders

Under Connecticut law, grounds for obtaining a TRO include ex parte protection from abuse, physical violence, stalking, reckless endangerment, or sexual assault. A temporary restraining order can also be requested if there is a time-sensitive risk of irreparable harm to property or persons stemming from the actions of another person. To obtain a TRO in Connecticut law, an individual must file a complaint detailing the circumstances that warrant a TRO. The complaint must include specific facts about the alleged harm or danger presented by the other party in question and any evidence supporting their claims. Suppose a judge finds sufficient evidence that supports granting a temporary restraining order. In that case, they will issue one that includes instructions for both parties and a time frame discussing when it shall go into effect and expire.

Violation of Temporary Restraining Orders

Violating a TRO carries serious consequences under Connecticut law. Depending on the severity of the violation in question, violators may face criminal charges ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. Additionally, contempt charges may be filed if either party violates any provisions outlined within the order. Also, an individual that violates an active restraining order may face fines or jail time depending on their charge.


In Connecticut law, temporary restraining orders typically last 14 days unless otherwise stated within its terms and conditions. After this period has expired, it must be renewed or extended before it expires again if either party still needs protection. Before extending or renewing any existing temporary restraining orders in Connecticut law, individuals must appear before a judge to testify why an extension is necessary for their safety before being approved for one.


Suppose either party involved wishes to appeal any existing temporary restraining orders issued in Connecticut. In that case, they may do so through filing written motions with either their local circuit court or family court depending on where they live. Motions should outline why they believe the order should be overturned, how it has impacted them negatively, and evidence supporting their claim. Following this procedure will allow each side to present their case before making a decision.

We Can Help with Temporary Restraining Orders

Do you need to protect yourself by filing a restraining order? Let us help. Don’t wait for matters to get worse – get protection now. Contact our law firm today!

Contact Us
Attorney Jose Antonio Pol is dedicated to fighting for his clients. If you need help, call us at (203) 339-0050 or fill out the form below to request a consultation.